Home » Our Survey Says: You can Earn Money Online With Surveys

Our Survey Says: You can Earn Money Online With Surveys

earn money online with surveys

Are you at home all day and have a lot of spare time on you hands? Or do you just have some 30 minute gaps in between jobs here and there? If you do, did you know you can earn yourself an income through participating in online surveys? In this post I am going to share my personal experience on how to earn money online with surveys. And some useful tips to help you reap the most rewards.

Looking for Surveys

There are so many survey sites out there, that it maybe time consuming looking through them all. My advice to you is to do a search on the best survey sites that give the best rewards. I have to emphasis this though, however: “Read peoples testimonials once you’ve found a survey site.” Although, some sites may have a fair, to good reputation, you don’t want to waste your time for a few pennies. You want to be looking for the surveys that will actually pay you. If you come across an advert to a survey site that offers premium rewards. Do yourself a favor and do a quick search on other users personal experience.

Just the other day I was looking for some surveys to participate in and after searching for their trust score, I seen quite a few people had participated in their surveys. However, when it came to them getting paid, Nada. Not a penny. Some stating that, they always move the amount that you have to earn before you get paid. So it’s best practice to see how other people have done. This will save you a lot of time. It doesn’t mean you can’t earn money online with surveys. It just means, you should be smart to make the best decisions.

When it Comes to Surveys, Honesty is the Best Policy

Presumably you have found some survey sites you can start to participate in. At the beginning of signing up to the survey site, they will ask you about your interests, like: where you shop, how much traveling you do, how much income you are on, qualifications etc. They do this so they can provide you with the best survey fit for you. And also so they can get truthful marketing data. A lot of Survey sites have the ability to tell if a person is trying to fraudulently get more surveys than they can actually give honest information to. It’s not really worth it, because they won’t pay out if you haven’t been truthful. And you will likely get banned. You might manage to successfully deceive them. However, you may not. And your precious time will have been wasted. Trust me, honesty is the best policy.

Keep Your Expectations Realistic

Although you can earn money with online surveys, I have to say, it is not the most rewarding. If I was to create a 10 top ways to make money online, Surveys would be in there. However, you would likely find it right at the bottom. I’m not trying to discourage you. I just want you to be realistic in your expectations so you aren’t disappointed.

Paying to Have Access to Premium Surveys is Ludicrous

There are services out there that offer access to the highest paying survey sites. This is absolutely ridiculous. And so dishonest, it makes me cringe. Avoid this at all costs. There is no need to spend a penny. The majority of highest paying survey sites you will find by googling best survey sites online.

Useful Tips to Reap the Best Rewards

  1. It will be more profitable to join multiple survey sites. Some sites won’t give you surveys every day. You might only get 1-2 surveys a week. In the meantime, you can check the additional survey sites that you’ve signed up to. This is how you maximize your earnings.
  2. If you want to reap the most rewards, you want to be consistent. Make it a habit to check for a survey every day if you can. Your bank balance will much healthier as a result.
  3. When it comes to signing up, provide honest information. This will give you the best surveys for you. Not only will they be a better fit, they will be easier to fill in as you won’t have to think so much about your answers. This will consume less of your valuable time.
  4. Do background searches before signing up. If numerous people have had a bad experience, then I would personally avoid that site.
  5. Read their policy on getting paid if the information isn’t made readily available. Even if it is made readily available. It may be worth reading their policy, just incase there are any loopholes in their payment and withdrawal policy.

Q and A on Making money with Surveys Online

Q: How much can I expect to earn a day from surveys?

A: Depending on how many sites you participate in, realistically ranging from approx. $1 to $5 per day. Maybe it doesn’t seem worth it. (After all, time is precious. More precious than any amount of money.) Over a year though, it all adds up. Even if it was just $1 a day, that’s still $365 a year, which you can put into savings or invest. However, if you can make $5 a day. That’s 5x $365, which is.. Hang on, let me get my calculator.. That turns into $1825. Still not a massive amount, but it would be nice to have that to put into savings, or investments.

Q: How long will it take me to finish a survey?

A: On average, surveys range anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. I haven’t come across any that have been longer than 30 minutes.

Q: Are there certain survey topics that pay higher rewards than others?

A: In my experience, yes, there are certain topics that pay out higher rewards. However, if you don’t have the marketing data from your own personal experiences, then don’t go after these. This will likely only get you banned, disabling you from earning anything at all. The lower paying surveys normally take less time and the rewards do rack up nicely.

Q: Is there a limit of time that I have to withdraw my earnings?

A: Although the majority of survey sites don’t have a time limit on withdrawing your earnings, it’s a good idea to withdraw them as soon as possible. Just in case the site shuts down for whatever reason.

Q: Is there a payment threshold I have to meet before I can get paid my earnings?

A: This varies from survey site to survey site. Some sites won’t allow you to withdraw your rewards before earning a certain amount. For example the minimum threshold amount might be $30. Therefore, you won’t be able to withdraw your funds until you have earned $30 or above. Then there are some sites that allow you to get paid instantly via Paypal. It varies from site to site. Most do have a threshold you have to meet though. That is definitely something to bare in mind before signing up.


Although participating in surveys isn’t the most rewarding way to make money online in comparison to some of ways you can potentially earn passive income, it is still worth it. Only if you are consistent enough though. If you are not, then you may not even make the payment threshold, which would be a waste of time. It would be wise to make sure you have enough time on your hands each day to participate in surveys before you even start looking for survey sites. If you are working full-time and your job is very stressful, an extra $5 a day may not be worth it. I think personally surveys are great for people that work part time or in University. It really is down to the individual though.

Completing surveys is not the only way to make money online. There are many additional ways you can earn an income online, from your own home. If you would like to learn more ways to earn money online, read my post: ways to make money online.

About the author


I'm Anthony. Blogger and creator of Skint or Mint. I have many hobbies; creating NFT's, learning about finance and also learning crypto projects.